New Book News – Thank you! Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element Thank you! You’ll hear about the new book first! [headline style="1" font_size="35" font_font="Yanone%20Kaffeesatz" font_style="300" font_color="%23ffffff" align="center" headline_tag="h2" bottom_margin="10"]Thank you! You'll hear about the new book first![/headline] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element Your free book is being sent to your email. [headline style="1" font_size="38" font_font="Yanone%20Kaffeesatz" font_color="%23ebebeb" align="center" headline_tag="h2" bottom_margin="50"]Your free book is being sent to your email.[/headline] Add Element Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element While you wait for the next book…check out these other novels I’ve written. Have you read them all? [headline style="1" font_size="40" font_font="Yanone%20Kaffeesatz" font_style="normal" font_color="%23fa2eaa" align="center" headline_tag="h2"]While you wait for the next book…check out these other novels I've written. <strong>Have you read them all?</strong>[/headline] Add Element Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element [images style="0" image="" width="250" link_url="" new_window="Y" align="center" top_margin="0" full_width="Y"] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element Music City Rollers Book 2 [headline style="1" font_size="20" font_font="Yanone%20Kaffeesatz" font_style="normal" font_color="%233d3d3d" align="center" headline_tag="h2"]Music City Rollers Book 2[/headline] Add Element Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element [images style="0" image="" width="250" link_url="" new_window="Y" align="center" top_margin="0" full_width="Y"] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element Music City Rollers Book 1 [headline style="1" font_size="20" font_font="Yanone%20Kaffeesatz" font_style="normal" font_color="%233d3d3d" align="center" headline_tag="h2"]Music City Rollers Book 1[/headline] Add Element Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element [images style="0" image="" width="250" link_url="" new_window="Y" align="center" top_margin="0" full_width="Y"] Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element The Journey Series Book 1 [headline style="1" font_size="20" font_font="Yanone%20Kaffeesatz" font_style="normal" font_color="%233d3d3d" align="center" headline_tag="h2"]The Journey Series Book 1[/headline] Add Element Add New Row Edit ElementClone ElementAdvanced Element OptionsMoveRemove Element [images style="0" image="" width="750" link_url="" new_window="Y" align="center" top_margin="0" full_width="Y"] Add Element